パオロ・バチガルピ著 田中一江・金子浩共訳
そして人間も新人類と呼ばれる”ねじまき” ( Android )が作られていた。
物語はファラン(西洋人) のアンドアースン。 中国系マレー人でイエローカードと呼ばれる老人、ホク・セン。
検疫取締部隊( 通称: 白シャツ隊) の隊長ジェイディー。 その部下のカニヤ。 そしてねじまき少女エミコ。 この5人の視点により進んで行く。
ある日、市場で「 ガウ」 と言う 謎の果実を手に入れたアンダースンは、その果実を調査していく中で、とあるクラブにて、ねじまき少女のエミコと出会う。
これは Android ねじまき少女エミコの冒険の物語というだけではない、奥深さをもった作品だろう。
English Virsion
Written by Paolo Bacigalupi, translated by Kazue Tanaka and Hiroshi Kaneko.
This is a triple-crown SF novel, winning the Hugo, Nebula, and Locus Awards. It was said to be the most talked-about translated novel of 2011.
Set in a near-future Bangkok, Thailand, the story unfolds in a world greatly altered by environmental destruction. The sea levels have risen, submerging cities worldwide, and diseases and epidemics are rampant.
With fossil fuels depleted, the world has entered an era of contraction. In this setting, genetically engineered creatures have been created, along with “windups” (Androids), the new humans.
The story progresses from the perspectives of five characters: Anderson, a Westerner; Hock Seng, an elderly Chinese-Malay man known as a "Yellow Card"; Jaidee, the leader of the Quarantine Enforcement Unit (nicknamed the "White Shirts"); his subordinate Kanya; and Emiko, the windup girl.
One day, Anderson, having obtained a mysterious fruit called “Gau” at the market, starts investigating it and encounters Emiko at a club. Emiko, abandoned by her owner and living like a slave in a brothel, sees her fate dramatically change after meeting Anderson.
Emiko dreams of going to a place where windups can live, but reality is not so simple. The story takes a turn as Emiko awakens and, in the latter half, Kanya becomes a key figure.
From each perspective, the story moves towards a single conclusion.
This novel, replete with numerous neologisms, might be challenging to grasp on the first read. However, as one delves deeper, it seems to address many of the world's current issues: global warming, the terror of viruses, and the problems caused by environmental destruction, as well as human rights issues.
The characters, fighting desperately to survive in a heavily distorted world, seem to reflect our current reality. This is not just a tale of the adventures of the Android windup girl, Emiko, but a deeply layered work, deserving of its many awards.
単語 | 意味 |
unfold | 展開する |
alter | 変更する,改造する |
environmental | 環境 |
destruction | 破壊 |
submerge | 沈める |
rampant | 流行する,はびこる |
deplete | 使い尽くす,枯渇させる |
genetically | 遺伝的に |
perspective | 考え方,見方 |
subordinate | 下(位)の,次位の,劣った |