
ラブライブの続きを勝手に考えてみる EP-022 夏の景色を探して⑭(184)

ラブライブの続きを勝手に考えてみるEP-022 夏の景色を探して⑭(184)

音乃木坂図書室 司書

ラブライブの続きを勝手に考えてみるEP-022 夏の景色を探して⑭(184)
ラブライブ! 2nd Season

ラブライブ! 2nd Season Blu-Rayより

EP-022 夏の景色を探して⑭(184)





「へー、A– RISEにもそんなことがあったんだね。いつものツバサを見ていると考えられないけどなぁ」

「そうだよねーって絵里、それどういう意味よとかさぁ、今A– RISEにもって言ったよね?にもって!その言い方はμ‘sも何かあったってことだよね? それってもしかしたら、第一回大会のエントリー取りやめと何か関係あるの?」 







μ'sもA– RISEも決して順風満帆だったわけではないのだ。







絵里は今の話の中で感動するところは、まぁ無くもないけど、(穂乃果がことりを空港まで止めに行ったこととか、再びμ‘sをやると、9人で講堂で歌ったこととか)。 別に泣くことのほどでもないよねと思いつつ、そろそろお風呂に入ろうかなと立ち上がったが…






「でもさっきの話やけどね、正直うちはA– RISEに勝てるとまでは思ってなかったんよね。」





多くの人がA– RISEの勝利を予想していたに違いない。









three college students




「それとなぁ、A–RISEがいたからこそのμ‘sなんよね。A– RISEみたいに、A– RISEに負けない位にって思って、うちらはいつもやってたから。

同じアキバを地元とするうちらとA– RISEやったけど、すぐ近くにA– RISEの存在を感じられたっていうのは、うちらμ‘sにとって大きなことやったんよね。」

μ'sにとってA– RISEは憧れであり、そして追いつきたい、追い越したいと思える存在だった。

A– RISEの存在なくして、μ‘sの成長、活躍はなかったのかもしれない。


「本当なら一緒にラブライブ出たかったね。μ‘sとあの舞台で競えたら最高だったなぁ…でもA– RISEもあの時の悔しい思いがあったからこそ、今があるんだと思う。





A– RISEにとってμ‘sと言う存在はそれだけ大きなものになったのだ。


それがμ‘sとA– RISEである。















Imagining the Continuation of Love Live!

EP-022 Searching for the Summer Scenery⑭ (184)

English Virsion

EP-022 Searching for the Summer Scenery⑭ (184)

Around the three of them lay a scattering of empty alcohol cans, snacks, and knotted bags of nibbles?a testament to their merry gathering. Tsubasa, pleasantly buzzed, had just finished recounting tales from her days as a school idol.

The stories she shared seemed unimaginable coming from the usual Tsubasa, but despite her fame and experience, she is still an 18-year-old girl.

She spoke openly, maybe for the first time, about her defeat to μ's, marking her first real setback.

So yeah, that's pretty much the gist of it, said Tsubasa, nibbling on gummies and sipping her drink.

Wow, I never knew that about A-RISE. Hard to imagine when looking at the usual you, Tsubasa.

Yeah, right? And Eri, what do you mean by that? You just said, 'even A-RISE' as if μ's had its own issues too, right? Does that have something to do with withdrawing from the first competition?

Why are you so sharp, Tsubasa? Yes, you're right. There was a lot going on at that time for us too.

What happened? Tell me everything, Nozomi, Tsubasa demanded, lunging at her like a playful cat.

While watching the two frolic, Eri began to explain.

In a nutshell, μ's was on the verge of disbanding back then.

Tsubasa listened intently to Eri's words.

Eri elaborated on the festival incident, why they withdrew their entry, and the crisis that nearly ended μ's due to Honoka's fallout with Kotori over her decision to study abroad.

Neither μ's nor A-RISE had it easy; they each faced their challenges and overcame them.

After hearing about μ's struggles, Tsubasa remarked,

Aww... I'm so glad for μ's... that Kotori stayed in Japan.

Why are you crying, Tsubasa?

Because... it's such a touching story about friendship...

Perhaps it was the alcohol, but Tsubasa was inexplicably tearful.

Eri, contemplating whether to take a bath, thought to herself that while the story had its touching moments (like when Honoka went to the airport to stop Kotori, or when they sang together in the auditorium), it wasn't necessarily a tear-jerker.

Eri, where are you going? Sit down! Tsubasa demanded, pushing her back onto the bed.

Eri sighed internally at the hassle of dealing with a drunk friend but couldn't help but smile at Tsubasa's joyous laughter.

This moment must be truly enjoyable for Tsubasa, Eri thought. "She never shows this side of herself."

Then Nozomi chimed in.

To be honest, I never thought we could beat A-RISE.

Me neither. I didn't think we'd lose, but...

I wanted to win badly, but deep down, I never really believed we could. It seemed like a dream... until it wasn't, Eri added.

The fact was, most people expected A-RISE to win.

But it was μ's who emerged victorious, carrying their momentum to an overwhelming victory in the finals.

But you know... Eri added, prompting Tsubasa's curiosity. "What's the 'but'?"

It was because of Honoka. When she's around, it feels like anything's possible. Her energy is amazing. Remember when she boldly declared victory at the Halloween event? And then made it happen!

Right, that probably wasn't well thought out, but it put good pressure on us and united everyone.

Yeah, μ's really was something because of Honoka.

And you know, Nozomi continued, "μ's wouldn't have been what it was without A-RISE. We always aimed to be as good as or better than you guys. Being from Akihabara, feeling A-RISE's presence nearby was significant for us."

For μ's, A-RISE was both an aspiration and a rival to surpass.

Tsubasa reflected, "I wish we could have competed together at Love Live. It would have been great to face μ's on that stage... But our disappointment then is what makes us who we are now. Anju and Erena struggled too, but overcoming that made us grow."

A-RISE, too, had its share of trials and tribulations, just like μ's. Each group was special to the other.

And now, Tsubasa announced, "since we're out of gummies and drinks... let's go get some more!"

Shouldn't we just take a bath and go to bed?

Tsubasa, it's already the next day...

What are you talking about? The night is still young!

Dealing with a drunk friend is quite the task, Eri and Nozomi thought to themselves.

And so, the last night of their trip passed by.

The next day, Nozomi left for Osaka from Hakodate Airport, and Eri and Tsubasa returned to Tokyo.

The 4 nights and 5 days trip became a treasured memory for the three friends, deepening their bond.

They learned more about each other and vowed to remain close friends.

As a side note, Tsubasa's consumption of gummies during the trip was astonishing?over 30 bags!

Needless to say, Eri and Nozomi were both impressed and a little scared.

Word Japanese Translation English Definition
testament An indication or proof of something's existence or truth.
scattering 散乱 A small, dispersed amount of something spread over an area.
testify 証言する To serve as evidence or proof of something's existence or truth.
articulate はっきり述べる Expressing oneself clearly and well.
recounting 物語る Telling a story or describing past events in detail.
formidable 恐るべき Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively powerful, capable, or intense.
lunge 飛びかかる A sudden forward movement.
impending 差し迫った Approaching; about to happen.
frolic じゃれ合う Play and move about cheerfully, excitedly, or energetically.
ponder 熟考する To think about something carefully, especially before making a decision or reaching a conclusion.