



ラブライブ! 1st Season

ラブライブ! 1st Season Collection DVDより



















元音乃木坂生徒、元スクールアイドル部、元μ's... 絵里はもうここにはいない。


それは9人の友情。 仲間としてのつながり、これはずっと変わることはないと絵里は思っていた。










部室から普通に歩くと3分以上かかってしまうため、小走りの絵里。 途中、海未がずっと廊下は走ってはいけません、と叫んでいたが、時間がないので絵里は軽く聞き流していた。




絵里の隣に立ち、海未は気づく。 きっと昔のことを思い出しているのだろうと。




μ'sに加入した後も、そして生徒会を後輩の穂花たちに託した後も... 常に絵里にとっては、自分がいた場所それが生徒会室である。

絵里が口を開きつぶやく。 「1年前、私はここにいた。」



自分の弱さを隠すかのように... でもそんなある日私はμ'sに出会った。








みんなには心から感謝してる。 その気持ちは今でも、そしてこれからも一生変わることはない。 海未に出会えてよかった...本当にありがとね。」


「本当にみんなと出会えてよかった。 今の私がいるのはみんながいてくれたからだよ。」











「今更何言ってるのですか。大丈夫です。私が許可します」 二人は見つめ合って笑う。



これからも、この先もずっとずっと... μ'sの9人はきっと全員が全員に感謝しているであろう。


素直になれない子、引っ込み思案の子、自分に自信のない子、人付き合いが苦手な子、喋るのが苦手な子、本当は羨ましいと思っているのに中に入っていけないような子達... 例えばμ'sという存在がなかったら真姫と凛が仲良くなることはなかったかもしれない。絵里とにこが仲良くなることもなかったかもしれない。






Imagining a Continuation of Love Live! EP-000 Prologue ⑤(6)

English Virsion


Isn't Nico coming to Otonokizaka more than us, the current students?

Ah, that girl...

The two of them inadvertently looked at each other and laughed.

Eli thought to herself that Nico must be feeling lonely.

Nico, who was more serious about being an idol than anyone and loved idols more than anyone else.

For Nico, Otonokizaka, the School Idol Club, and μ's were probably more precious than anyone else could compare.

Even when she was the only club member left, Nico continued with the Idol Research Club and opposed the dissolution of μ's until the end.

Deep down, Eli thought, Nico probably still wanted to continue μ's.

But that might be said for the other members as well...

"But it's nice that the third-years still come to visit us after graduating. I was a bit surprised today, but I'm happy to see Eli."

Thank you, Umi. But we're not third-years anymore, Eli said, and Umi smiled in agreement.

Knowing this, but still habitually referring to her seniors as third-years.

May I come to visit Otonokizaka sometimes?

Of course, you're always welcome.

Until recently, they were students of the same school, members of the same club, and members of μ's.

But for Eli, everything is now in the past.

Former Otonokizaka student, former School Idol Club member, former μ's member... Eli is no longer here.

But there's one thing that hasn't changed.

That's the friendship of the nine. The bond as comrades, Eli thought, would never change.

"By the way, the entrance ceremony will start in about 15 minutes. You'll be late for Arisa's important entrance ceremony."

"Is it that time already? We should head to the gym soon. But can I take a quick peek in the student council room first?"

That's fine, but I think Honoka and Kotori are in the gym.

Yeah, I just want to see that room again...

Okay, then let's go.

Eli and Umi headed to the student council room.

But Otonokizaka's school building is large.

Walking normally from the club room takes more than 3 minutes, so Eli hurried. Along the way, Umi kept shouting that running in the hallways is not allowed, but Eli lightly ignored her because they were short on time.

Arriving at the student council room. Eli looked at the place that hadn't changed a bit.

Catching up, Umi said.

Eli, you can't run in the hallways! Are you listening to me!?

Standing next to Eli, Umi realized. She must be reminiscing about the past.

This place was one of Eli's irreplaceable places.

She joined the student council as a first-year, and eventually became the president, spending every day here.

With Nozomi, they spent a lot of time here.

Even after joining μ's and entrusting the student council to juniors like Hohaka... For Eli, it was always a place where she belonged.

Eli opened her mouth and murmured, "A year ago, I was here."

"I was the student council president in this place. But back then, I was a coward hiding behind the mask of a president. I shut out everything around me and stayed in my shell. As if to hide my own weakness... But one day, I met μ's. I met Honoka and everyone else..."

Eli started talking about the time before joining μ's.

Her words were filled with regret and gratitude.

Regret for not being able to be honest sooner.

Not just towards μ's, but also since entering Otonokizaka.

And gratitude towards everyone in μ's for accepting her.

"I was really saved by meeting everyone in μ's. I am truly grateful to them. My feelings will never change, now or in the future. I'm glad I met you, Umi... Thank you."

Eli once again expressed her gratitude to everyone in μ's and to Umi, who was right in front of her.

I'm really glad I met everyone. The me now exists because you were all there.

Umi was a little bewildered by Eli's sudden confession-like gratitude, but she closed the distance, took her hand, and responded with a gentle smile.

"What are you talking about now? Aren't we friends? We are always, always... precious friends."

Umi pulled Eli's hand towards her, wrapped her arm around Eli's waist, and gently hugged her.

Eli whispered thank you and wrapped her arms around Umi's back, hugging her back.

Tears welled up in Eli's eyes at Umi's words.

"Come on, we're running out of time. The entrance ceremony will start soon. Let's hurry, Eli."

Eli nodded, and Umi took her hand and started running toward the gym.

Ah, Umi, it's not good to run in the hallways, it's dangerous!

What are you saying now? It's okay. I permit it. The two looked at each other and laughed.

Eli and Umi once again held hands and headed to the gym.

The activities of μ's may have ended, but the bond between the nine will never change.

Now and in the future, forever and ever... All nine members of μ's must surely be grateful to each other.

Without μ's, these nine would never have come together.

A shy child, an introverted child, a child with no confidence in herself, a child who is not good at socializing, a child who is not good at talking, a child who is actually envious but cannot join in... Perhaps if μ's did not exist, Maki and Rin might not have become friends. Eli and Nico might not have become friends either.

First-years, second-years, and third-years might not have even spoken or met.

μ's was that significant.

It was a miracle that these girls met through a single existence, Honoka Kosaka....

This is a story of such a miracle.



〜 の続き EP -000プロローグ⑤