
ラブライブの続きを勝手に考えてみる EP-022 夏の景色を探して⑩(180)

ラブライブの続きを勝手に考えてみるEP-022 夏の景色を探して⑩(180)

音乃木坂図書室 司書

ラブライブの続きを勝手に考えてみるEP-022 夏の景色を探して⑩(180)
ラブライブ! 2nd Season

ラブライブ! 2nd Season Blu-Rayより


































































「アイドルか...それもいいかもな... よし、分かった。いいだろう、一緒にアイドルやってやる。だが私はダンスに関しては一切妥協しないからな。厳しいのは覚悟しろよ。それと、絶対にプロになるって言うのを忘れるんじゃないぞ!」





































Imagining the Continuation of Love Live! EP-022 Searching for Summer Scenery⑩(180)

English Virsion
(Author) Otonokizaka Library Librarian


Imagining the Continuation of Love Live, EP-022 Searching for Summer Scenery⑩(180)

-- July. --

Tokyo is in the height of summer, with the rainy season just ended.

In Akiba, the annual Akiba Dance Festival was held.

The festival, held over two days with a special stage set up in the wide space in front of the station, has categories for adults and youth.

Since we are middle school students, we, of course, participated in the youth category.

This festival is meant to enjoy and promote dance, not to compete for wins or losses.

Even so, there is an award for one top group and two runner-up groups, and the participants are serious, with a high level of performance.

And since I had boldly declared to Toutou-san that we would win, I could think of nothing but the top prize.

The competition progressed one by one.

Each group had a five-minute slot.

Among the 50 participating teams, we were the 35th to perform.

As our turn approached, the three of us did a final check.

Hey, you’re stiff. Are you nervous?

Toutou-san suddenly said to me.

Nervous... I'm not sure... It does make my heart race to think of dancing in front of people.

But it's also exciting...

For me, a dance competition is a first...

I've had experiences with piano and violin recitals, but this felt entirely different...

As I hesitated to reply, she continued.

" Come on, make sure you stay hydrated. Warming up before the performance is important, but don't overdo it.
Wipe off your sweat properly. Don’t let your body cool down."

I was honestly a little impressed.

Having danced since she was little and participated in many competitions, she knew her stuff.

And then, it was our turn to be called.

Next, entry No. 35, Sunrise. The announcement rang out as we headed to the stage.

On the way, Toutou-san spoke to me and Anju.

Hey, let’s have fun out there.

Her blunt way of speaking might have been just what I needed.

What’s with the high and mighty attitude? I’m the leader. Naturally, we’re aiming for the top, so follow me!

Heh, you’re a funny one.

She said with a smile.

I smiled back, feeling a bit of relief.

Anju was smiling cheerfully all along. And then it was time for our performance.

The cheers from the many people (though about a hundred) and the glaring summer sun made the stage even brighter.

We danced to the music.

I think it was the result of our daily practice.

I felt it was a performance I could be satisfied with.

And most importantly, seeing the joyful faces of those watching us, and the cheers and applause that followed...

Everything was wonderful, and I was genuinely happy.

I thought, dance is the best.

That’s why I renewed my determination to definitely become a professional idol.

Thus, the dance competition ended.

Though we didn't win the top prize, we earned an excellence award.

It wasn’t the result I wanted, but I felt very fulfilled.

Dancing in front of people was so much fun...

But since I had declared to Toutou-san that we would win and arrogantly said I would make her a member if we won, I couldn’t look her in the eye.

Seeing me like that, she spoke to me first.

How was it? Isn’t dancing fun?

Yeah, it was fun.

I answered immediately.

Because it was my honest feeling...

It’s a pity. You didn’t get the top prize you were aiming for. But it was a great dance.

Yeah, thank you... um, Toutou-san...

Hm? What is it?

I wanted to say.

We didn’t win, but let’s do idol activities together as members of Sunrise...

Even though she said she wasn’t interested in idols, whether it’s dance or idols, making the audience happy is the same, and we needed her dance...

But I choked on my words... Ah, why can’t I speak up clearly at times like this...

Just as I was thinking I needed to fix this, Anju spoke up for me.

Hey, Toutou-san, why don’t you join us and become an idol?

An idol... Are you serious? Are you really asking me?

Yeah, I’m serious. We’re going to be professional idols. Right, Tsubasa?

Eh... yeah... that's right, we’re going to be professional idols!

Then, after a slight pause, she said.

An idol, huh... That might be nice... Alright, I get it. Fine, I’ll do it with you. But I won’t compromise on dance. Be prepared for that. And don’t forget that we’re aiming to be professionals!

Her response was unexpected.

I thought she would refuse, so I was so happy that I instinctively replied.

That’s what I want! We’ll definitely become pros together! And I’m still the leader!

With that, she laughed out loud.

Her cute face looked even more charming when she smiled.

And then... "I’m counting on you. Tsubasa, Anju."

It was the first time. The first time she called us by our names instead of "you".

I was so happy that we had finally gotten closer to her.

So I said to her.

Of course, by her name.

Yeah, likewise, Erena. Let’s become professional idols together!

And so we welcomed Erena as an official member of Sunrise and the three of us started our journey as idols.

Dreaming of the day we would perform live in front of many people as professional idols and share smiles with many...

The road to our goal may be steep and tough.

But with the three of us, we can definitely do it.

I believed that and decided to give it my all.

That's the story. This is the secret of how A-RISE was formed. Ah, so nostalgic.

Tsubasa said while eating gummies.

Wow, so that’s how it happened. But from what I heard, you and Erena didn’t get along well at first.

Eri said.

Tsubasa nodded.

Yeah. At first, it was terrible. I was always annoyed. But we became friends soon after. And believe it or not, Erena has many cute sides.

I see. One thing that caught my attention, though, was that your unit name was Sunrise. Why did it become A-RISE?

Well, it’s because Erena and I were always at odds. Seeing that, Anju suggested taking the S and N out to make it A-RISE. S and N, like magnets, shouldn’t repel each other, but... anyway, that’s how it became A-RISE.

But then it would be U-RISE, right? Like Sun-Rise without the S and N.

Exactly! Sharp as always, Nozomi. The reason is that I mistakenly thought Sun was San. A cute mistake typical of a middle schooler, right? Anju and Erena teased me a lot for that.

That sounds like a typical Tsubasa mistake.

Right? But in the end, I’m glad it became A-RISE. It’s a good memory for us.

Got it. We learned something interesting, right, Nozomi?

Yeah. We had our share of challenges, but A-RISE also had it tough.

Yeah, but I’m truly glad I could do idols with those two from that day on.

That was Tsubasa's sincere feeling.

Both A-RISE and μ's wouldn’t be here if any one member were missing.

Before they knew it, the three had arrived in Furano. Learning the secret story of A-RISE, the long journey had passed in no time.

And on this day, they enjoyed the third day of sightseeing in Furano, Biei, and Asahikawa, despite the tight schedule.

To be continued.

単語 日本語訳 英語での説明
height 最高潮 The highest or most intense point of something
annual 毎年の Happening once every year
festival 祭り A day or period of celebration, typically for religious reasons
category 部門 A class or division of people or things regarded as having particular shared characteristics
participant 参加者 A person who takes part in something
performance 演技 The action or process of performing a task or function
declare 宣言する To make a formal or explicit statement or announcement
progress 進行する To move forward or onward in space or time
approach 近づく To come near or nearer to something or someone
participate 参加する To take part in an activity or event
competition 競技会 An event or contest in which people compete
determine 決心する To decide or conclude after reasoning or observation
announce 発表する To make a formal public statement about a fact, occurrence, or intention
result 結果 A consequence, effect, or outcome of something
instinctively 本能的に Without conscious thought; by natural instinct
applause 拍手 The clapping of hands to show approval
performance 公演 An act of presenting a play, concert, or other form of entertainment
announce 発表する To make a public and typically formal declaration about a fact, occurrence, or intention
participant 参加者 A person who takes part in something
consequence 結果 A result or effect of an action or condition
believe 信じる To accept something as true; feel sure of the truth of
determine 決心する To decide or conclude after reasoning or observation
remark 述べる To say something as a comment; mention
journey A long trip or voyage
arrival 到着 The act of coming to a place
scenery 景色 The natural features of a landscape considered in terms of their appearance
share 共有する To have a portion of something with another or others
announce 発表する To make a formal public statement about a fact, o